Beneficial and Delightful Soap for Skin, Senses & Spirit

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stormy Monday

Just a short post this evening to check in and thank each and every one of you for reading my blog. 
I have been unable to write as often as I would like because the soap shop has been busy.
In between filling various orders and special requests, I have been re-stocking the shop with old favorite standards and some seasonal offerings. 
I am excited about the new soaps! Most will be available by the middle to the end of May, 2011. 
I will surprise you with photos of the new soaps as soon as I complete the soap making.
In the meantime, I will leave you with three citrus-based, scented soaps that seem just right for now. All three are enriched with raw, unrefined and organic butters. Yum!
Lemon Sugar
Pink Grapefruit & Apricot
Orange Vanilla Cream

Like so may other areas in the United States, we have been plagued with extremely treacherous weather lately. I may have mentioned before that I do not like to make soap during rain or high humidity. Well, I had no choice today! Amidst tornado warnings, rain, lightning, thunder and hail, three new logs somehow managed to get poured. Typically, I can cut my logs within 24 hours (or sooner). Lately, I have had to wait 48+ hours to cut the soap logs with no recipe changes. So much moisture in the air!
Keep your fingers crossed and pray to the soap Angels that the batches I made today gel and cure properly. 
Thank you!
Be safe in this stormy weather.
In Love, Truth and Beauty..........


  1. Oh Teresa, if only we could get some rain. We have had just the opposite-dry,wind,dust and wild fires in the general area. Two volunteer firefighters have already been killed in the line of duty and summer isn't even here. The local playa lakes have diminished to puddles. Send positive rain energy our way.

    Good soaping mojo coming at you!

    Take care-

  2. Dear Michelle,
    I was wondering about your area.
    I will definitely send some positive rain energy your way.
    Praying now!
    Thank you for dropping by...

  3. So glad to hear you are so busy! Your soaps look and sound gorgeous.

  4. The soaping fairies were in my house in Ireland yesterday so you should be safe!!! I hope the weather rsolves itself, it's just damp and rainy here at the mo.

  5. preciosos los jabones ojala os mejore el tiempo.un beso desde españa

  6. Thanks, Jen!
    Hope that you are doing better-than-well!

  7. Dear Celine,
    Those fairies like to have fun with our soap supplies, don't they?
    I believe they make "the rounds".
    Hope that all is well today!

  8. Dear Monika - muchas gracias!
